Split Tunnelling and Routing

Support requests about VPN Client Pro
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Split Tunnelling and Routing

Post by Controlgeek »


Does the SSTP client support split tunnelling? I'm not sure of which settings control it. I'm connecting successfully to a SoftEther VPN, but the custom routes don't seem to be pushed out correctly. I'm also connecting with Windows 10 to the same server and they get the routes ok.


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Re: Split Tunnelling and Routing

Post by admin »

Hi Cameron,

with SSTP the custom routes are pushed through the DHCP server, but by default the client doesn't query the DHCP server.

Here the steps:
  • edit the VPN profile
  • tap on "Options"
  • select "Send DHCP INFORM request"
  • go back
  • tap on "IPv4 routes"
  • unselect "Redirect gateway"
  • save the chnages
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Re: Split Tunnelling and Routing

Post by Controlgeek »

Works perfectly now.


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Re: Split Tunnelling and Routing

Post by admin »

very well!
You're welcome
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Re: Split Tunnelling and Routing

Post by dluck007 »

Hi @admin:

Thanks so much for this post. Now, I've got it 90% working. The configuration below pulled all of the VPN's DNS Servers, but not my local one. I'm still able to access my local network by putting http://local_ip but not by local dns.

Any ideas on how to fix? The split tunneling works in Windows, but I'd prefer using Chrome OS / Android / Linux as my main platform of choice.

Daniel L
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Re: Split Tunnelling and Routing

Post by admin »

Hello Daniel,

you're right, at the moment this option query the DHCP server only for routes and domain names.
In the next release I will change the app to query also for DNS servers.
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Re: Split Tunnelling and Routing

Post by dluck007 »

Dear @admin

I've been accessing my machines by IP Address, but I could create add hosts file for my local machines for now.

Thanks for letting us know!

You've got a wonderful product, and I bought SCP (Lifetime) for both Home and Work accounts.

Daniel L
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Re: Split Tunnelling and Routing

Post by admin »

Sorry but maybe there was a misunderstanding.
I understood that the problem was related to the name resolution on the VPN network, but reading your post better the problem would seem related to the name resolution on the WiFi network where the Android device is connected.
If so, you can try to manually add the DNS used in the WiFi network.
  • edit the VPN profile
  • tap on "Options"
  • select "Set DNS servers" and put the WiFi DNS server address
  • save the changes
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