TCl Android and Google Tv ( n. 2)

Support requests about VPN Client Pro
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TCl Android and Google Tv ( n. 2)

Post by mariosbbs »

cant get it to work with (TCL) AndroidTV & GoogleTV :

It does not start automatically, it only connects immediately when you open VPN CLIENT PRO. But it would be nice if the problem was solved in this way, the fact is that the app disconnects itself without apparent reasons (or better, I think it is forced to disconnect by the OS).. The most serious problem is that it can happen thirty seconds after the start, as well as it can go on for hours. Other times it gets disconnected (I suppose from the operating system) but the app has not been killed so it connects again immediately.. but not always, many other times I open the app and it seems to be unable to do anything independently (the application seems completely asleep, I have to connect manually to some profile and at that point it is reborn.. To be clear: I have the "connect on stratup" and "connect on demand" (also with the option "connect when the eth is on") enabled. When the app fall asleep, for example if I have the profile "NORD1" active in both (connect on startup...connect on demand) and the application becomes completely unable to react, I must open the app and manually connect to any profile, for example "SURFSHARK1", but since the application is now awakened works again and immediately disconnects from "SURFSHARK1" and connects again to "NORD1". Perfect, but sooner or later it disconnects again. I tried to disable everywhere the permission to have the apps checked for "energy saving controlled", but nothing to do.
Obviously if I use some app that directly manages files . ovpn, no disconnection occurs as long as such app is running and in the foreground

I noticed that unlike other apps, the new version of FASTESTVPN’s proprietary app very often does not allow the TCL Android/Google TV system to "turn it off".

I have a new two-year plan with NORDVPN , a lifetime offer FASTESTVPN, NAMECHEAP VPN that expires in two months and I just expired a three-year surfshark plan .. and I must say that surfshark was excellent and very reliable, namecheap worked fine but not as surfshark, while with nordvpn you have to change the .ovpn files very often because what now goes, in a few hours refuses the connection... fastestvp is a case apart, it connects but often does not work properly and what yesterday seemed to go very well, Today it is connected but no data passes
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Re: TCl Android and Google Tv ( n. 2)

Post by admin »

you can try to enable the "Acquire WakeLock" option which you can find in "Global options" -> "App settings"
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Re: TCl Android and Google Tv ( n. 2)

Post by mariosbbs »

already done many times.. ("open before close")

now I have found this
in Telegram "TCL Android TV Discussion"

How I prevented my VPN app from getting killed in the background

Putting this out there in case anyone else is having the same problem.

I have a TCL 43C735 and I frequently use it to stream video through a VPN. However, the VPN app I use (Tailscale) would sometimes get killed while it was running in the background. I assumed it was because the system was running low on memory and there was nothing that could be done about it, but I did some digging and found a way to prevent the app from being killed.

First of all, at least in my case, the VPN app isn't killed by the Android system, but rather by the TCL Guard service running in the background. I reverse engineered the service and found that:
1. The service has an internal list of apps called mKillWhiteList. Apps from this list will not be killed.
2. There's a way for an unprivileged user to modify the contents of this list, including adding any app to it.

Here's how to add your app to the list:
1. Figure out the name of the app's package: go to Settings > Applications > See all apps > Select the app you want > The name of the package should be below the app name. For example, for Tailscale it's com.tailscale.ipn.
2. Enable USB debugging. Google it if you don't know how to do it.
3. Connect to an ADB shell on the TV. There are guides online on how to do it.
4. Check that the TGuardService supports the --ma option by running the following command:\
dumpsys activity service TGuardService --help\
In my case the output of the command is:
SERVICE com.tcl.guard/.memorymanager.TGuardService e4e2eca pid=1199

=================== TGuardService start ===================

memorymanager commands:
Print this help text.
execute SmokeTest[--SmokeTest]
print if file isExist.
dump MemoryInfoManager with --MemoryInfoManager
print process memory record
modify StrategyConfig filed with --m key1 value1 key2 value2
dump again to check modify result
modify StrategyConfig arrayList filed with command key value
add KillWhiteList value with --ma mKillWhiteList com.tcl.logkit,
print modify result
modify log level[--debuglog true]
modify memorymanager log print.

=================== TGuardService end ===================
5. If the --ma option is supported, add your app to mKillWhitelist with the following command (replace com.tailscale.ipn with the name of your app's package):\
dumpsys activity service TGuardService --ma mKillWhiteList com.tailscale.ipn

6. You're done!

Unfortunately, this change doesn't persist across reboots, so you need to do this after each reboot. However, note that pressing the power button on the remote doesn't turn off the TV, it suspends it, so when you turn it back on the changes are still there.

so, the right string for VPN CLIENT PRO is :
"dumpsys activity service TGuardService --ma mKillWhiteList it.colucciweb.vpnclientpro" ??
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Re: TCl Android and Google Tv ( n. 2)

Post by admin »

yes, from what you wrote it should be correct
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