Feature request for softether protocol

Discussion about VPN Client Pro
Site Admin
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Re: Feature request for softether protocol

Post by admin »

UDP acceleration feature has been added to the new beta version 1.01.96.
Can you test it and provide feedback?
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Jul 22, 2024 10:43 am

Re: Feature request for softether protocol

Post by Elezorn »

Elezorn wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2024 12:27 pm Fingers crossed on seeing UDP acceleration in changelog someday :D
And that day is today :D
Sorry for not answering earlier

So first and foremost, can't thank you enough for continuously improving the APP.

UDP Acceleration runs fine when connecting to a server via DirectIP:
Server side: https://prnt.sc/NfmHVPWAVx0v
Client side: https://prnt.sc/_iUdOqeZO9Y3
I don't have a ultrafast connection at my disposal, so can't really say are there any speed/stability improvements/downgrades. But it works and doesn't seem to break anything. So that's a win) Will continue to observe

However, i guess it can't quite figure correct IP when trying to connect via Azure Relay:
Server side: https://prnt.sc/EfVuoZHgjPeT
Client side: https://prnt.sc/NsdkHdum75Of
Scheme :D https://prnt.sc/NTDFpJZiegJm

It seems like it's trying to establish direct UDP connection with SE-Server, but treats server's LAN IP as if it is WAN, i don't know

I also noticed a bug, that if there are more than one remote servers present inside one Connection and one server is TCP with UDP Accel, while the other one is NAT-T, than VPN Client will try to establish UDP link using as Server's IP, when connecting via TCP. Disabling UDP Accel or Second server solves the problem
Second remote server disabled: https://prnt.sc/_iUdOqeZO9Y3
Second remote server enabled: https://prnt.sc/x729Jtn9JEwV
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